Monday, 29 June 2015

Chloe Prior Unit 6 Assignment 3

  • Sport - Netball
  • Year - 7
  • Time - 30mins
  • Size - 8-10 pupils

  • Equipment: bibs, ball.
    Warm Up:  2 minutes jog around the Astros, then stretching
    Do two dodges:
    1) In groups off two's each partner throws the ball to each other but slightly moving on the spot
    2) the second dodge get into groups of four's, position yourselves in the shape of a triangle with a defender in the middle, each pupil on the outside has to throw the ball to someone else with the defender trying to catch the ball. one person can mark in the middle whilst the other pupils travel down the court (width ways) trying to get the ball in the hoop.

    Put them into small groups of either 2 or 3, to do some techniques between them and then a 10 minute game at the end.

    When it came to teaching the year 7s the plan I had planned out to teach them did not go all the way ahead. When it came to the lesson at first of all their teacher got them warmed up in partners and I ordered them into a semi-circle and gave them some stretching instructions. After they had done a warm up and some stretched I asked them to get into a pair and practise throwing the ball to each other for a few minutes just so that they hadn't forgotten the simple rules in Netball. I then asked them to get into five groups of five and to place themselves in a circle with a defender in the middle and to then get them to travel down the court.

    What went well?
    The two dodges which was a group of two throwing the ball then getting them into groups of 4-5 to get them used to travelling for the game ahead of them.

    What would you change?
    I would change the way the lesson was planned out as my plan did not go all to well and would rather of had a small group of the lesson rather than teaching all off them at once as in my plan I had planned out to have 8 pupils 10 maximum. As watching Miss take her own lesson as well as us teaching them too I learned the flexibility of a pe teachers job as she also had to put her own lesson planning into my plan as well as Caitlin's

    How did the pupils behave?
    The pupils behaved very well and was very content with me teaching them. They were all very respectful and polite and when we had done a big group game with three defenders in the middle I asked who would like to volunteer and a few of the girls did volunteer which was good so that I didn't have to pick on them.

    Did I communicate clearly with my group?
    Yes I communicated well with the group as I told them that when they had there little matches that they should communicate with each other and call there team names when they want the ball so that the ball is not just being passed around with no communication between the group. I also asked them questions on what they had recently been learning in netball.

    How could your drills have been improved?
    The first drill I had planned could have been more physical as it was only throwing the ball to each other. Instead I could have asked them to make their own drill but for me to still lead them as I did ask the group of girls what they had previously learnt in the lesson and I could have asked them to demonstrate what they have been taught and if they had made in mistakes I could have given them advise on how to correct them next time.
    Or another drill I could have gone through with them was to show them some moves and for them to understand the basic rules of netball because when it came to the mini games when I was observing the three different groups some of them was making the mistake of moving when they had the ball.
    The first dodge was to do chest passing to get them warmed up.

    The second dodge was to get into groups of four with a defender in the middle of a triangle and to pass the ball around the edge but the defender must try and get the ball.

    Feedback from students and teacher

    During this coaching session I received feedback from students and my teacher to see how well I had done overall in the coaching session. From a few questions from the teacher whose class I had run she asked her pupils a few questions on how well I had done. My overall review on the session is that I had slightly gained confidence as it was my first time in teaching a session and will improve my confidence  in having more experience in teaching a lesson. My appearance in the lesson was I had my pe kit on to show them that i was part of the lesson and also had to remove any jewellery like watches bracelets and earrings to show the health and safety in pe. I also used the skills of health and safety in the coaching session, as I told the pupils to space themselves out during the warm-ups and also the activities, I also advised them that when they were passing the ball to their components that had to chess pass it carefully and to use eye contact. Miss.Haddock was the teacher whose class I had run and she gave me very good feedback and said that I was very organised in terms of what I wanted to do in the lesson and interacted with the pupils politely. I also received feedback from the pupils who said that they enjoyed the lesson and said that some of the routines that I had done was different, which they enjoyed. Seeing as Mr.Bidwell and Miss.Haddock watched me take the lesson they said that I needed to explain my instructions more clearly and also the demonstrations, and one thing that I could have maybe done was to tell the pupils 3 coaching points at the beginning of the lesson and to them quiz them at the end to see if they remembered so it would have slightly been an objective for them and I could have then asked them if they had met the objective.
    Action Plan for the Future, 5 different things to improve on:
     One thing I would like to Improve on in the future is my confidence. I will need to gain more confidence when teaching a lesson, and to do this I would need to teach many more sessions and could also help some of the PE staff around the school and volunteer to help interact with the pupils.
    My second improvement would be to be more organised in the lesson for the future. Although I was organised in the pervious lesson it is more professional to have more than one sport for the pupils to chose from, so they at least have an option of 2 then.
    My third improvement to work on for the future is health and safety rules. It is professional to go through the health and safety rules before any session takes place so that the students know and also myself the rules to be safe in a lesson. I will also need to have an understanding that if a student was injured then I will need to know the basic rules of what to do and to help them and to also tell the rest of the pupils to help there peers in lesson if one is injured but it is only a minor injury.
    My forth plan for the future is... professional conduct

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