Monday, 23 March 2015

Ryan Newby Unit 4 Assignment 2

Decrease in resting heart rate

A long term effect of decreasing resting heart rate, our heart becomes more efficient so we have  less beats per minute. some professional runners have 30 beats per minute this is because their bodies are trained and they don't rely on their heart to beat as many times per minute. By training regularly our body will not rely on our heart as much and then our beats per minute will gradually decrease.

Increase in heart size and strength

Our heart is muscle and  if we exercise more our heart can become bigger and stronger. We need to train our heart to become more efficient by exercising regularly and eating healthy. This will increase our heart size and strength because it will be more active then our heart will be trained and will eventually be stronger.


Increase in stroke volume- volume of blood pumped around the body in 1 beat

The heart can pump more blood per beat so resting heart rate decreases. A bradycardia heart is a heart that is trained over time and it is more efficient this means it does not need to beat as quickly to supply the body with oxygenated blood. Stroke volume is a by-product of having a healthy and strong heart.

Less chance of having high blood pressure

Regular exercise will help you have a healthy heart and there is less chance of having high blood pressure. One other way of having a less chance of getting high blood pressure is by eating well and not eating fatty foods on a regular basic, eating a healthy diet will give your body a less chance of having high blood pressure. To have a less chance of having high blood pressure you need to eat a healthy diet and stay active.


Where muscles get bigger over time, this is by micro tears. Muscle hypertrophy occurs when the muscle fibres tear and grow back larger. Going to the gym and using the weights can cause micro tears on the body and over time the tears will repair and grow back stronger, over a long period of time our muscles with get bigger and if you keep using the weights and getting micro tears the gain in muscles will be visible.

Atrophy is the opposite to hypertrophy and happens when muscle decreases in size and strength. There are many reasons why Atrophy happens and two of the main reasons are a lack of motivation or injury. When injured our body in unable to work out and our muscles will stop getting micro tears and eventually the muscles will decrease in size and strength.


Increase in bone density

One way to increase your bone density is by having a healthy diet and exercising frequently. This increases calcium production to make our bones stronger and over a longer period of time this will make our bodies bones strong and there will be a less chance of getting fragile or brittle bones.

Decrease risk of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. You can help to prevent this from happening by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet which includes calcium. Calcium helps to make our bones stronger.

Through exercise and naturally growing our bones have become stronger and denser this means that our bones are less likely to break or fracture. We need to keep active so our bones are still getting stronger and denser. 

Improved Posture

The ways to have a good posture are by exercising, you need to work on all part of your body and this will lead to a good posture. The ways that you can improve posture is by  yoga, stretching (especially your back) this can be from touching your toes standing up or sitting down also small but frequent muscles exercises.
Having a good muscular hypertrophy means that you would have a improved posture. One factor that most people can improve on is sitting up straight and standing straight not leaning forward. Sitting up straight with your back against the back of the chair will straighten your back and help your posture.

Increases number of Mitochondria

Having a increase in mitochondria is good for our body because it digests food into energy faster. 

H2o + Food + o2 that we breath = Energy

Mitochondria are small elements in humans cells that make energy. Mitochondria is always changing the energy gained from food to energy that goes to the muscles in our body.High levels of Mitochondria is good for our body as it provides us energy when needed. This will make our body more efficient as energy will already be created and stored. When the energy is required it will be delivered to our muscles and tissues.  

Stronger connective tissues (ligaments and tendons), so more resistant to injury 

Ligaments and tendons are called connective tissues and these are strong, they will make your body more resistant to injury, the stronger your ligaments are joined to your bones will decrease the rate of our bodies being injured.

Increased thickness of cartilage 

when you exercise the cartilage thickens so the cartilage is stronger and more stable. Exercising increases the stability of joints, the stronger the ligaments and cartilage will mean that our joints are more stable. Cartilage acts as a shock absorber between the bones. If cartilage is stronger and thicker you will suffer discomfort and injury much less.

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